Driving Force Dragracing in the farmlands of Ohio.
The smell of alcohol and bubble gum clear your sinuses and distract your ears from the roaring motors as you approach the Kanawha Valley Dragway Park.
Driving along State Route 35 you pass Point Pleasant, WV and enter farm country running along an Ohio River tributary near the West Virginia border to Ohio. Farm houses, horse barns and a feed supply are scattered every 1/2 mile or so along 35 until you almost pass a sign that says “Kanawha Valley Dragway Park: Drag Racing Every Saturday Night.”
It is an odd sight, to say the least, to stumble upon a 1/8th mile drag raceway in the middle of corn fields but then again nothing should seem as natural as to expect this to be the perfect place for a Dragpark. Generations of the families in the region have grown up learning how to fix tractors, bailers, trucks, and family cars. The very livelihood of many of the families in this valley is dependent on the knowledge bestowed from generation to generation on the fickle nature of the combustion engine. Motors are needed to harvest the crops, deliver the crops, fetch groceries and in fierce winters, to provide electricity. It is only natural to want to prove this knowledge superior to anyone else’s and to get a few thrills out of it. The location of the Dragway Park seems perfect.
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$100 to enter the race plus the cost of fuel, 1st place wins a hundred bucks, so it's not about the money.
Larry McFee
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